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Sunday, August 10, 2014

Code of the cosmic laws of white civilization

Official confirmation of the existence and cooperation with extraterrestrial intelligence.

"White civilization adhere to the Code of cosmic laws, the main provisions of which are as follows:

a) every civilization has the right to choose its own path of evolutionary development, which would not have been this way.

b) a more advanced civilization can help only when less advanced civilization seek this help.

c) a more advanced civilization can not destroy any life, even an unreasonable on other planets, robotic and apply psy-guns and other weapons against the less developed civilizations.

d) a more advanced civilization has no right to use any means, except for warning, to individual members of the less developed civilizations.

d) violence against representatives of the less advanced civilization is allowed only in the case of actions of these representatives, which can lead to big disasters.

The use of violence should be minimal.

e) be prohibited and punishable by untwisting the essence to zero, the use of holographic camouflage and deception.

h) any civilization is forbidden to carry out experiments, the results of which, directly or indirectly, may have a negative impact on other civilizations, without the consent of those civilizations.

g) a more advanced civilization must not transmit their knowledge less developed civilization, if this knowledge can be used for evil.

to) every civilization has the right to enter into a union of civilizations or develop separately.

This is - are the main provisions of which adhere to White civilization.

Gray civilizations are those that feel they are not possible to carry out one or two rules of the laws of white space (except for violations of laws, f, h, g).

Black civilization does not adhere to any rules that recognize the law of force and are willing to use any means and actions to address their plans and objectives ...

The experiment was done in the world is very large pool White civilizations. In the course of human evolution there evolutionary phase, when the Black civilization tried to infiltrate the course of the experiment and transform civilization of Earth on black type. "

Video: Canadian Defense Minister about UFOs and aliens

Video: Official confirmation of the existence and cooperation with extraterrestrial intelligence

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