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Monday, August 11, 2014

Mystical secrets of Atlantis

Have you ever pondered over the question: why people are looking for the mythical Atlantis thousands of years? What is this fiction of the ancient Greek philosopher Plato better than others? Over the long history of mankind appeared and disappeared many civilizations. So no, for some reason, trying to find exactly the Atlantis! And they find it - in the vast expanses of the Arctic to Antarctica, from America to Japan.

The first to speak about the paranormal because of the cataclysm that destroyed Atlantis, was Edgar Cayce. It is called the most remarkable psychic XX century, and just as often - "Sleeping Prophet".  

The fact that his revelations Case got into a trance, during which he contemplated the different visions.And in the last 25 years of his life (1920-1945), it completely took pictures of sunken cities and temples destroyed by the water column. Case also saw the time when they were still on the surface, when their streets were a lot of people, marked beauty and wisdom. Then came the realization - is Atlantis! And after a while one image replaced all other: crystals. Cut from transparent quartz, they glowed with an inner light. Then increasingly began to appear one huge crystal. It felt unstoppable force. Soon it was inspiration - this is the true cause of the downfall of the ancient civilization of Atlantis!  

"Even Plato in his Dialogues, saying that the Atlanteans themselves came in for trouble. Yet his story is cut off, the historian does not reveal the secrets of the tragedy. Perhaps it is able to do this case. Atlanteans used crystals for worldly and spiritual goals - he told me. - These crystals is a powerful energy storage from sunlight and starlight. Their energy helped Atlanteans build palaces and temples and develop the psychic abilities. But this was not the main crystal - Tuaoy - Fire Stone. He accumulated energy of the Earth, and its rays burning through most thick walls. "  

In a vision, Case saw a big hall, which housed Tuaoy. It was called the "Hall of Light". There were about a secret cult and ministers to use crystals to black magic and occult rituals. Damage their activities cause not only people, but also the entire planet. And at some point, the long-suffering nature rebelled.  

In the early XX century, an outstanding poet and writer Valery Bryusov called Atlantis "teachers of teachers", bearing in mind that Atlantis was the cradle of all the knowledge and skills (and the usual esoteric sciences, agricultural, industrial and other technologies, etc.), which adopted the Her Mediterranean civilization. Moreover, it should be noted, took over and realized only a small part, but, nevertheless, have risen above all the surrounding nations. And scraps of their knowledge, many distorted, have already reached Europe.  

As in everything else, humanity in its quest for Atlantis seeks to get to the truth - to the source and origin of all things. And, of course, to find the secret knowledge, great power and immortality ...  

The great mystery  

Ancient, largely mysterious civilization of Atlantis has left us a great legacy, and many people do not even have heard of once exist and prosper mainland. Do not talk about it any history lessons in schools or universities. Meanwhile, in Atlantis laid the foundation of all that is so proud of our civilization that is its essence.  

You ask where all this? From ancient sources that the official science either does not notice or does not recognize, including their translations wrong. From the reports of those people who often contemptuously called "contactees." But think about it, what a blunder, because the contactees were everything from Jesus, Buddha, Mohammed, the whole host of saints and prophets, for talking to the Almighty without intermediaries, that is, without priests. And we are already deprived of this great gift, read and interpret their words, anyway. What kind of paint a picture of us contactees?  

"About a million years ago, when the Atlantic race was in its heyday, the continent Atlantis occupied a large part of the Atlantic Ocean" - said in esoteric traditions. And, indeed, science found that the median ridges of the Atlantic Ocean - a mountain once descended mainland. The legend also says: "North Atlantis stretched its margin by a few degrees east of Iceland, including Scotland, Ireland, and northern England, and the south to the point where now there is Rio de Janeiro, including Texas, Mexico, Gulf of Mexico and part of United States of America. The present-day Azores were inaccessible peaks the highest ridge of the continent of Atlantis. "  

Atlanta reached a high level of knowledge, under the guidance of Divine Teachers - Hierarchy of the Forces of Light on the planet. It is from these peoples of the ancient continent embraced faith in a supreme cosmic being that permeates all things. Tradition states that "thus was established the cult of the sun as a symbol of the highest concepts. To glorify luminaries Atlanta erected on mountaintops facilities, which determined the annual rotation of the sun. " Famous megaliths of Stonehenge (England) are so iconic structure: the island of Great Britain were once part of the ancient highlands of Atlantis.Zoroastrianism and other solar cults originate from Atlantis.  

Great grace  

History shows that all ancient cultures had periods of prosperity and decline. So it was in ancient Atlantis. The people of Atlantis - Toltecs created a mighty empire. After long civil wars separate tribes merged into one big federation, which was headed by the emperor. For thousands of years the Toltecs reigned over the whole continent, achieving enormous power and wealth. It was an era of peace and prosperity of the whole race. During the entire period of Initiates - Envoys of the Hierarchy of Light, emperors, priests, scholars rightly ruled nations. Under their leadership, science and the arts flourished.That era was the golden age of Atlantis.  

On the capital of Atlantis - City of the Golden Gate, as well as on the continent itself, the story in the dialogue "Timaeus" and "Critias" the Greek philosopher Plato, who learned from the Egyptian priests of the existence of the once flourishing country of Atlantis. Plato, who studied in Egypt, also wormed the priests of the existence and size of the last stronghold of Atlantis - Island Poseidonis. Scientifically established that the word "atlas" and "Atlantic" is not Greek, and can not be attributed to any language of the old world. But in the language of the Toltecs, now living in America, we immediately find the root of the "ATL", which means: water, war, top of the head. From this root is a series of words such as "Atlan" - the land of water, from which came the adjective "Atlantic".  

"The main focus of art was at that time, architecture - tell esoteric texts. - The public and residential buildings surrounded by beautiful gardens, impressed by its massiveness and giant size. Temples consisted of a huge room, like giant halls of Egypt. "  

For the pictorial representation of the ancient Egyptian temple architecture take the city of Karnak."None of the modern people are not raised the art of architecture to such an extent, to the size and grandeur of the Egyptians, who inherited the beauty and grandeur of the buildings from the ancient Atlanteans. Imagination that soars above our porticos, stops and falls exhausted at the foot of the colonnade of 140 columns of Karnak. In one of its rooms could fit the whole of Notre Dame Cathedral, he still would not reach another ceiling and would be considered a small decoration in the room, "- writes

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