Technologies are developing at breakneck speed. Things that struck us 20 years ago, seem trite by today's standards. Thus, people in 2034 (unless, of course, Zombie Apocalypse 2017 will not destroy human civilization) will seem self-evident things that seem magical to us today.
Over the next two decades, many of the technologies in this list will shape the world in ways that we can not fully comprehend today. Most of these technologies already exist in any form; they are just waiting for the right scientist or entrepreneur to change the world.
20 Graphene.
Graphene in the past few years has become a kind of buzzword in the technical community. Essentially it - a layer of carbon atoms one atom thick, super strong, conductive and flexible material, which has a great future in various areas of biomedical devices for the desalination of water to a significantly improved battery technology. Speaking of batteries ...
19 New battery technology.
In addition to already known to us graphene, researchers have experimented with countless other materials, chemical formulas and compositions to improve the technology of electric batteries. From tiny flexible batteries that are constantly recharged by solar energy and kinetic until actuated sugar, which are up to 15 times longer than today's lithium-ion. Promising future battery technology virtually guarantees that we will never find ourselves in a ridiculous situation, because "the battery has." But so far nothing concrete scientists can not offer. As they say, they are in one step.
18. Google Glass.
While this product will never be as popular as smartphones or tablets today, Google Glass actually showed some real opportunities in the medical industry, allowing doctors to quickly access the information you need to confirm the diagnosis, and even assisting in complex operations.
17 Energy.
As the world's population is growing rapidly, and the oil reserves are depleted, cheap, efficient and renewable energy sources are becoming more important than ever before. Scientists are making progress all the time in this area. Over the next 20 years, the building will learn to provide for themselves 100% solar energy and wind energy, and coastal communities will be able to draw its energy from the water, and nuclear fusion can provide energy for our biggest city and it will be safer and more effective than it is today.
16 The Large Hadron Collider.
TANK - a giant particle accelerator, built by the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) underground on the Swiss-French border. His goal is to perform large-scale experiments to test various theories of particles and high-energy physics. In 2013, the experiment was conducted, which proved the existence of the Higgs boson (the so-called "God particle"). With a large number of planned experiments is possible that in the coming years the LHC will play a key role in our understanding of the fundamentals of the universe.
15. 3D printing.
3D printing is not new. In fact, it has existed since the 1980s. But only in the last few years, the technology finally achieved recognition. Over the next 20 years, 3D printers will become as common as inkjet today. Think about the possibilities: You're back from Ikea and realized we forgot Boltik for a beautiful new bookcase Fjorkltünde, on which you've spent $ 300? No need to curse our Swedish overlords furniture. Just go to their website, download the file and print yourself a Boltik!
14 Genetically modified food.
Genetically modified foods (GMOs) have become quite an urgent problem in recent years. People hear the word "genetic modification", and their brains process them as a "danger mutant Godzilla." You can be for or against, but the fact that genetic modification spared such crops as corn and wheat, diseases, drought and pests, allowing you to feed the hundreds of millions of people around the world, this is a fact. You can not ignore these results, and that is why products with GMOs will play a big role in the next few decades, we are becoming more and we consume more and more.
13 exoskeleton.
DARPA decidedly boring acronym for the Agency Defense Advanced Research Projects, a division of the American Ministry of Defense, which is tasked with creating incredible technology for the American armed forces. It was they who created the earliest precursor of the Internet in the late 1960s. Today the agency at work on developing modern military technologies, including military exoskeletons in the style of Iron Man.
12 Biometrics.
Biometrics is the next wave of mobile security. In fact, nothing new, but its introduction to Apple made me think about the security of all the mobile manufacturers. After Apple released the iPhone 5S in September 2013, other manufacturers took up the idea. Soon people will require that all consumer electronics has been equipped with some form of biometric security, whether it is a fingerprint scan, identification of the retina or voice recognition (and possibly all three).
11. Apple iWatch.
With regard to Apple, insiders hinted at for a couple years, the company from Cupertino will release one smart watches, iWatch. Their competitor overtook them, but Apple's all still waiting for their iWatch.MP3-players and phones in the form factor hours are already doing the same Chinese, but there is non-trending. If Apple decides to market smart hours, then most likely they will create a device that will give impetus to a new era.
Neurocomputing 10 interface.
Imagine the ability to control your computer with your brain. For most of us Neurocomputing interface would serve only to increase our dependence on computers and even more to isolate us from the outside world. But for the disabled and the sick palsy, together with biomechanical prostheses Neurocomputing interface can provide a return to normal life. This technology is in its infancy, but she has a huge potential.
9 holographic interface.
As can be seen in any film that wants to make the main interaction with the computer seem high-tech holographic interface shows a very intuitive way of interacting with a computer, and a great way to justify budget special effects in the film. Sorry for all the dreamers, the technology is still in embryo.
8 Cloud technology.
Cloud technologies are already widespread. Services such as Dropbox, G.Drive, iCloud existed for many years and have tens of millions of users. But in the future, everything, absolutely everything, is in the cloud. Hard drives and flash cards will become a thing of the past. All your documents, music and photos will be stored in the cloud and available on all your devices at any time when you want. But do not be fooled, though it is popular, but it's still the same flash drive or hard drive, which should not in your home, and in the server megacorporations.
7 nanobots.
Nanorobots, or nanobots are still in the research phase. Mainly developed in the medical field, nanorobots, in fact, are microscopic machines that are capable of detecting and destroying pathogens, and work at the cellular level. But in the future they will be used in all industries. Although, given the complex production process and the real scale required for efficacy, something concrete is still far away.
6 desalination and water purification.
Water scarcity is becoming a real problem. But we know that sea water can be desalinated. While it is expensive. Also used for the desalination of substances that eventually dumped into the ocean. These wastes are harmful to the environment. New methods of wastewater treatment and conversion of sea into drinking water has given good results. There are very few, as scientists say.
5 Virtual Reality.
We waited a computer virtual reality system in the 1980s. With Oculus Rift seems that the wait was finally over. Oculus Rift, which was recently acquired by Facebook, offers a stunningly realistic experience that will soon be the dream of every gamer.
4 Advanced Robotics.
We were promised robots, and useful, and just terrible. For the most part, progress has been slow, but this is mainly because the technology required to build these wonders of art, a bit not up to our imaginations. Over the next two decades, the field of artificial intelligence and machine to speed up and slowly but surely, our servant robots finally become a reality.
3 Aerogels.
It's really cool. Aerogels are gels that have removed them and replaced the liquid portion of the air through a process known as supercritical drying, leaving only the solid part. In the resulting product, known in common as "frozen smoke", has great insulation properties. Aerogels quartz were even proposed for use in future studies of deep space.
2 Galactic colonization.
Dutch non-profit organization Mars One recently announced its plans to colonize Mars by 2025. They are currently in the initial stage of determining who will be the first people to colonize the red planet.There are many other obstacles that stand in the way of success, the largest of which - the financing of this project. Answer: reality TV. Minds behind this idea, plan to follow every second of the astronauts and make this a reality show. But they never felt, what it is to be the stars, in reality, because they never return to Earth. This is - one-way trip!
1 Self-cars.
This is something that we really are all waiting for. And our favorite Google closest to the execution of our dreams. Many automakers, from Audi to Nissan, is also thinking about the idea. Govt transportation safety in several countries now support the concept avtopilotiruemyh cars and think about how best to prepare people who all their lives were taken by yourself car.
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