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Saturday, September 27, 2014

10 modern technologies bring the humanity closer to immortality (10 photos)

The average life expectancy grows, as human knowledge in the medical field are growing. We eradicated a number of dangerous diseases discovered powerful drugs and found how to treat the disease, previously considered fatal. Now we are getting closer to the approach to make man immortal. To do this, humanity today is using technologies that were once the property of science fiction novels

Factory blood

Blood is so important to our survival that it in some sense, has become synonymous with something very necessary. Excessive blood loss leads to death , and a blood transfusion is an important treatment option.

There are two key issues related to transfusion. Firstly, the blood must be obtained from other human beings, which leads to a shortage. Second, different people have different immune system, which leads to dangerous complications of transfusion.

Scientists have managed to solve both of these problems by learning how to create red blood cells of group 0 suitable for transfusion to all people. In the future, this discovery will lead to the end of the donation and the transition to the production of artificial blood.

Cultured part of the body

Some things in science fiction seem to us to understand. The food in the form of tablets - OK.Interstellar travel - of course. But there is something that looks more far-fetched, such as growing replacement body parts in the lab. Despite the fact that it seems to us more strange, scientists have come close to this technology.

Already established laboratory-grown vagina and nostrils, which have been successfully transplanted to recipient

First woman transplanted artificial vagina (the need for this operation occurs when a congenital disease), scientists observed for eight years and feel good. The same applies to patients who have lost part of the nose due to cancer of the skin and get new nostrils to replace them.

Treatment of spinal paralysis

Back injury - one of the most difficult. Dorsal could connects all parts of the body, so it causes the damage to paralysis. In the past, those who received an injury, managed to do little. They remained confined to a wheelchair and often a lifetime continued to suffer from pain.

Groundbreaking research on the role of electrical impulses in the spine allow you to think that people, especially doomed to immobility, will now be able to start again to move independently.In the experiments, volunteers, previously completely paralyzed, began to feel part of the body after their spinal cord exposed to electrical pulses. The combination of electric pulses with traditional physiotherapy gave an even better effect. It gives hope to hundreds of thousands of people with disabilities worldwide.

Appeal reversed the aging

Following in the footsteps of their predecessors of companies producing cosmetics, the scientists found in the blood of young people a chemical that has a significant impact on the destructive processes of aging. Experiments were carried out in parallel by three independent groups of researchers. The study noted the influence of a substance to improve memory, cognitive function, muscle strength and endurance.

Two groups claimed that identified a particular substance that helps to draw aging backwards.While studies were conducted in mice, but in the coming years due to begin clinical trials in humans.

Medical monitoring of the next generation

Regardless of technological progress, people will always be lazy and forgetful. Need a system that will monitor the flow of drugs into the body. Tiny sensors will ensure that you do not miss pills.

If you are not too punctual, such monitoring may be your real salvation. The system will notify you and your doctor all the relevant information about your health.

Slightly improved heart

Heart and his condition - a pledge of long life. In the USA it is often die from heart disease, and not from cancer or AIDS. More than a million Americans die from heart problems every year.This is the cause of death is the most common in the UK and Australia.

Recently, scientists have been able to transplant baboon modified pig heart. During the year, the monkey feels good. This experiment gives us hope that one day doctors can transplant hearts of people animals and not others, which will increase the life expectancy.

Reduction of disability in stroke

Stroke - a horrible disease, it is often fatal. When they do not kill, they can turn into a disabled patient, the quality of life which becomes unacceptably low. People no longer control their own bodies - in part or in full. Previously, there was very little opportunity to help these people.

Today, scientists have found a revolutionary way of treatment - the introduction of stem cells into the brain of the patient. Patients in the control group were again able to move the limbs - perhaps it is the hope for the millions of victims of stroke.

Printed heart

Transplantation of organs, as mentioned above, plays an important role in prolonging the lives of people. One way to address the shortage of donor organs - 3D-printing. Scientists from the University of Louisiana believe that they will need ten years to create an exact analogue of the human heart on the 3D-printer. The materials in the printer at the moment used collagen and fat cells.

Bionic hand

Since then, as science fiction writers came up with cyborgs, scientists began to look for ways to create artificial limbs. This will improve the lives of people with amputated arms and legs. It seems that today we have made significant progress in this area.

Bionic prosthesis DEKA arm allows a person to wear a coat, open the door with the key or take in hand an egg without crushing it. Today they are available to people who have a hand amputated at the shoulder or upper arm, for those who have no hand in the wrist, it will not help.

Cryogenic cooling and recovery

Scientists do not like to call it hibernation - too wiped the word. Earlier cryonics - the replacement of blood with saline and cooling of the body, carried out in order to again later revitalize the body - was considered by academic scientists unscientific. But in 2000, Peter Rea was able to successfully carry out such an experience in pigs.

Pigs have suffered massive blood loss, were introduced into hibernation, and then scientists "brought them back to life." In most cases, their hearts continued to function without significant problems. Now a team of researchers waiting for the opportunity to carry out a similar experience with a man. 

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