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Tuesday, August 9, 2016

10 Innovative technologies

The annual World Economic Forum published
a new report, which called the main innovative
technological trends of this year.

Innovative technology has become,
perhaps, the greatest agent of change

in the modern world. Without risk
there is never complete, but positive
technological breakthroughs promise
to provide innovative solutions to the
most pressing global issues of our
time ­ from a lack of resources to
global environmental change. (...),
Highlighting the most important
technological advances, the Council
seeks to raise awareness of their 
potential and help to close the gaps in
investment, management and public

          - Nubar Afeyan (Noubar Afeyan),
entrepreneur, one of the compilers
of the report

1. Fitted to the body
wearable electronics

This innovative technology is almost invisible.
Among them: in­-ear headphones, watching
the heart rate sensors that monitor posture
(they are worn under clothing), temporary
tattoos, which monitor the operation of the vital
organs, and tactile soles, which will show you
the way to GPS by vibration.

The latter, by the way, want to use as a guide
for the blind. A terrific glasses Google Glass
innovative technology are already helping
oncologists to conduct operations. 

- Google Glass ­ an innovative technology 

2. Nanostructured graphite composite


Car exhaust, polluting the atmosphere ­ the
scourge of modern ecology. Not surprisingly,
the increase in the operating efficiency of
transport ­ one of the priority technology

Contribute to this will be nanostructuring
methods of carbon fiber for advanced
composite materials that help reduce vehicle
weight by 10% and more. For what?
Appliances need less fuel and, therefore, it will
be less pollution.

3. Production of metals
in concentrate during
desalination of

Another environmental problem ­ reduction of
freshwater supplies and the associated
seawater desalination. Desalination can
increase the supply of fresh water, but he has
and disadvantages. Moreover, serious. For
desalination need a lot of energy, and
moreover, waste is generated as a result of
concentrated saltwater. Last, back into the
sea, a very negative impact on the marine
flora and fauna.

And the most promising solution to this
problem may be fundamentally new look at
this waste. They can be considered as a raw
material source of very valuable substances:
lithium, magnesium, uranium, conventional
soda, calcium, potassium compounds. 

4. Storage of electricity
on an industrial scale

Energy issues ­ an inexhaustible source of
problems. But some of them seem to have
become quite solvable, thanks to new
innovative technologies. For example, it is
proposed to use batteries to preserve the flow
of chemical energy in a liquid form and in large
quantities. This is similar to how we store coal
and gas.

Allowing you to store fairly large amounts of
energy and all kinds of solid panels, and, in
cheap and available materials.

Recently, there were also invented graphene
large capacitors, with which you can very
quickly charged and discharged batteries,
making tens of thousands of cycles. Consider
engineers and other capabilities, such as
kinetic energy in the flywheel, and large
compressed air storage underground. 

The molecular structure of graphene 

5. Nanowire lithium­ion

Such innovative batteries will soon conduct a
full charge, and produce 30­40% more
electricity than today's lithium­ion batteries. All
this will help improve the market of electric
vehicles, but also will allow to store the sun's
energy directly at home. Experts believe that no
w and over the next two years with a silicon
anode batteries will also be used in

6. The display screen
without: video
holograms and virtual

This leap forward in this area occurred in the
last year. That is why a high probability that in
the near future we should expect major
breakthroughs on the use of innovative display
technology without a screen. What is it about?
About headset virtual reality, bionic contact
lenses, the development of mobile phones for
the elderly and visually impaired people of the
video holograms that do not require glasses
and moving parts. 

Glyph: a futuristic virtual reality helmet 

7.Medications for human intestinal


Recently, it was found out that the intestinal
microflora affects the development of many
diseases ­ and infections from obesity to
diabetes and inflammation of the digestive

Everyone knows that antibiotics disrupt the
intestinal microflora, causing complications
such as infection by the bacterium Clostridium
difficile, and sometimes even threatening a
person's life. Today, therefore, clinical trials
conducted worldwide. As a result, it managed
to find a group of microbes in a healthy gut.
These microbes help create a new generation
of drugs, and they, in turn, will help to improve
the treatment of the human intestinal

8. Medications based
on RNA

This is also a new generation of drugs. Get
them to enable advances in the study of
ribonucleic acids (RNA). With these
formulations fail dilute excessive amounts
present in the natural protein, and it will be
possible to produce an organism in vivo
dosage optimized proteins.

RNA­based medicines will be produced
already by private firms, but in collaboration
with major pharmaceutical companies and
research centers. 

9. Predictive Analytics

Smartphones ­ the innovative technologies,
which provide an incredible amount of
information about the activities of people like
the owners of these smartphones, and they
know (contact lists, call logging, GPS, Wi­Fi,
pictures with location, according to downloads
data, applications used by us etc.) to help
build a detailed predictive models about
people and their behavior.

All this, according to experts, should be a
good purpose ­ for example, urban planning,
the appointment of individual medicines,
medical diagnostics.

10. Interfaces "brain­

Innovative technology to manage the
computer just by thought ­ not a fantasy.
Moreover, it is much closer to reality than we
think. Interfaces "Brain­-Computer" (when the 
computer reads and interprets the signals
directly from the brain), are undergoing clinical
trials. And most importantly ­ already have
good results. They are necessary, however,
not for entertainment, but for people with
disabilities. For example, for those who suffer
quadriplegia (paralysis of arms and legs), a
syndrome of isolation, those who have
suffered a stroke, and wheelchairs. Interface
"Brain­-Computer" capable of much. With it,
people will be able to manage, for example, a
robotic arm to drink, eat and do much more.
And yet, the brain implants able to partially
restore vision.

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