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Monday, February 3, 2020

The hospital built by China in 10 days is coming into operation from today

The hospital built by China in 10 days is coming into operation from today

A hospital prepared by China in three days to reduce the transmission of carotid virus has come into operation from today.

The epicenter of the Corona virus is set to be launched from Sambar, a 1,000-bed hospital built in Wuhan.

According to Chinese government media, the entire construction of the hospital has been completed and the hospital is ready to treat the sick.

The hospital built by China in 10 days is coming into operation from today

Six military medical staff have arrived at the new hospital, having acquired experience in treating the infected. They will treat patients in other areas along with the new hospital.

Likewise, a second hospital is also being built at a rapid pace to treat corona virus infections. According to the BBC, construction of the second hospital will be completed by Wednesday.

China miraculously built a hospital. According to Xinhua, a hospital of 5,000 beds was built in Wuhan in 7 days. However, BBC News reports that the hospital will be built in 7 days.

The hospital built by China in 10 days is coming into operation from today

The outbreak of the Corona virus from the last week of December has been a headache for many countries in the world, including China. In China alone, the virus has killed 500 people and infected 1,000 people.

Corona virus infection has been found in six other countries besides China. Only on Saturday, the Corana virus infected died in the Philippines. The 3-year-old died in Manila, the capital of the Philippines, during treatment. The Chinese from Wuhan are reported to have been infected even before the Philippines arrived.

The hospital built by China in 10 days is coming into operation from today

The hospital built by China in 10 days is coming into operation from today

The World Health Organization has declared a health crisis after the outbreak of the corona. The world is now plagued by Corana when various countries, including the United States, Australia, Italy, and China close their gates to tourists arriving in China.

The hospital built by China in 10 days is coming into operation from today

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