The predictions of Nikola Tesla scare with their truthfulness. A brilliant scientist did not even reveal half of his talent. In 1942, Tesla prophesied the active distribution of electric and internal combustion engines, but no one took him seriously. Another interesting fact that the scientist foresaw: all people will have a personal radio and use it to talk from a distance.
The miracle of technology that can be carried in a suitcase
Nikola Tesla said that mankind will invent a compact-sized electronic computer. It can be carried with you. In addition, they will create a single information system that will be designed to transmit information. Wireless technology will allow the transfer of energy from a distance, artificial intelligence will appear. He will help a person in life and in work.
Tesla predicted the danger that the invention of the electronic brain could be fraught with. He will be able to manipulate people. Electric waves will be able to disable equipment, military vehicles . On a planetary scale, molecular research and discovery can change the atmosphere, affect natural phenomena.
Is the idea of “free electricity” true or fiction?
Nikola Tesla was obsessed with this idea. He dreamed of making the energy flows endless, free for people. The genius was actively trying to prove that electricity can be obtained from the nature around us: from water, earth, air. Then the resource became inexhaustible, all people could be provided with heat, light and hot food.
According to the latest sources with which Tesla spoke, he was on the verge of discovery immediately before his death. And, probably, these events can be connected. The richest people on the planet opposed his teachings sharply, hindered the latest discoveries . On the verge of death, Tesla publicly stated that he had developed a method for transmitting electricity from a distance. It became real only half a century after the death of the scientist.
“When scientists, instead of studying physical phenomena, embrace natural ones, then progress will begin. Non-physical phenomena can lead to the latest discoveries in 10 years.
Those who want to unravel the secrets of the Universe need to think in terms of vibrations, criteria of energy. Brilliant ideas come only when a person is alone. In this period there is no time to be distracted by external circumstances. Just then we are ready to plunge into ourselves and find inspiration in our inner essence. Knowledge comes to us from the Universe, it is not the brain that gives birth to it, it simply receives them, like a gift from God. At this moment we become harmonious. ”
Nikola Tesla
Looking to the future of Nikola Tesla
We all know (at least partially) the structure of the submarine. Its part with helical blades is called a “butterfly”. Steel cables attach it to the bottom of the boat, under the influence of a stream of water, it rotates and generates energy.
The power of one such device is enough to supply electricity to a sparsely populated point. Based on this invention, an electric submarine was developed.
Another interesting invention that is gradually being introduced into modern life only now is an electric car with induction charging, which allows you to get rid of harmful emissions into the atmosphere, save natural resources and much more. The primary version could not be recharged on the way, but Tesla’s invention was improved. If you cover the road with a special layer, the electric car will work on the principle of an induction cooker . Smart Road is already being tested in the USA, England, China - its widespread distribution is just around the corner.
According to statistical forecasts, the planet’s resources are inexorably exhausted. Soon we will need alternative power sources besides gas, oil and wood. Therefore, developments with power generation are becoming so popular.
Did a brilliant scientist die? Or was he hidden?
Officially, the cause of death of Nikola Tesla is heart failure. However, the death of this man was quite sudden, although he did not differ in fragile health. January 7, 1943 his body was found in a hotel room where the scientist lived. There is a version that, in fact, Tesla was recruited by the secret services and was isolated by slipping a double.
Simultaneously with the death of the scientist, all archives of his research were seized. The police announced to journalists and curious viewers that they contained a personal diary of Nikola Tesla. After, all documents were encrypted, after which they simply disappeared.
We can only guess what the genius thought of, what developments he did not manage to bring to life. After all, if he had been given the opportunity to freely create and think, the world around him would already have changed for a long time beyond recognition.
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