Most of the world around us is formed around the key elements of the infrastructure. Many see this as a testament to who we are - society and the cultural landmark that should guide us in the future.
In general, infrastructure is a long-term public investments that move us along the path of building an effective and well-functioning society. Usually what happens. But the infrastructure comes in many forms, and while we are building complex intricacies of pipes, wires, roads, bridges, tunnels, buildings and waterways, we focus primarily on the "here and now", without thinking about whether it may be a better option .
Almost every part of the infrastructure creates jobs, revenue streams and investment opportunities. It produces new laws, regulations and industry standards. The greater part of the infrastructure in a particular place, the more effort you need to replace it. Like an old tree, a gigantic root system of infrastructure feeds everything.
In any case, the life cycle of infrastructure becomes shorter, technology - all destructive and harder.Infrastructure projects represent good money for some investors interested in such projects more.
Before you ten examples of how our central infrastructure will change over time, and what it will mean for countries and businesses in the heart of this revolution.
1 Cars and roads without drivers
Even despite the fact that the art of building roads steadily improved since then, as the Roman Empire decided to make a permanent part of its road infrastructure, road today are just dumb surfaces without any data flowing from the roads to transport. This must change, and here's why.
Technology autonomous control car will initially require a driver and will gradually go into everyday life as well as the once entered airbags, first as an expensive option for a luxury car, and then as a security requirement, controlled by the government.
The biggest pluses of this kind of automation will not be realized until the drivers will keep your hands on the handlebars. With millions of victims of road accidents that occur each year, leading countries of the world does not need a lot of time to ensure the safety of self-cars.
Driving privilege will be seriously reconsidered.
When cars will be equipped with a control technology without drivers, will be the important things. To compensate for the loss of the driver, trucks will be equipped with ways to measure the surrounding area. Camera, on-board computers and a variety of sensors will record information over a thousand times per second, starting and ending with the road conditions the actions of the other cars. This will give the car a constant stream of a basic sense of awareness.
With this continuous flow of sensory information from the cars begin to form a symbiotic relationship with their environment; these relations will be quite different from the current relations between people on the roads, which are mainly dictated by emotions.
Smart Car in combination with an intelligent way would be a powerful force. Together, they will increase the mobility of our society, and to shine. At the heart of this mobility will lie three basic principles:
1. Compression band . Lanes should be as wide as the transport itself. Narrow vehicles and roads will take up less space, a variety of shapes and sizes will be quite broad, and smart roads can change the width of the bands on the fly.
2. Compression distance . With a machine that will run the machine itself will not need a large distance between the bumper of the car - the robot will never make a mistake, and instead of a distance of a few cars trucks will move with a distance of several tens of centimeters.
3. Compression time . Smart cars will be much faster. They will go with confidence, have full information and move correctly. Time of any movement will be greatly reduced. Can compare it with the growth of the quality of the lifts in advanced countries - from twenty years ago, the rise on the tenth floor was very long, and open cable - quite frequent today elevator in good American hotel can raise thirty floors in just a few seconds.
In the era of vehicles without drivers intelligent roads can accommodate 50-100 times more cars than it is now. Higher speed, higher security, fewer cars in a specific point in time at some point, no traffic jams, and other bonuses are waiting for us. Similarly, to increase the profitability of this transport is based on a square meter of road resources.
Also, roads themselves benefit from these technologies. Since cars will constantly monitor road conditions, always be clear when the road needs to be repaired. A constant stream of data will ensure the relevance of road conditions. Repair crews will be able to travel when you want, without breaking the movement does not cover the total traffic flow. Even treacherous snow and ice stop scaring people, if time will crumble defroster.
2 Network transport pipes
When the CEO of Tesla Motors Elon Musk spoke about his work on the project Hyperloop, combination puzzles, detail, talent mask and his reputation literally led to the madness in the media.
His ad complemented growing concern about the efforts of California for the construction of very expensive high-speed rail line between Los Angeles and San Francisco with outdated technology.
While the mask and his idea helped it gain popularity media expressed similar ideas and Daryl Oster of the company ET3, which wanted to build a transport system on the basis of pipe a long time ago.
In fact, both the entrepreneur working on what should be a popular transport system of the next generation. Specially designed machines are placed in a sealed tube and run like a rocket, to its destination. If the high-speed train accelerates to 500 km / h, the pipeline can transport people at speeds of 7000 km / h.
Auster himself called it a "space travel on earth."
Despite the fact that the journey through the pipes will bypass all other forms of transport in terms of speed, energy consumption, pollution and safety remains a big missing link infrastructure. Pipe network is to cover great distances.
While many look at this and see that there is no infrastructure formidable obstacle, the situation is exactly the opposite. Building a network of pipes should be the largest infrastructure project, which the Earth has never seen before. Need 50 years, and will be involved in the construction of 100 millionpeople in many different ways. Unless, of course, this someone will be solved.
3 collectors atmospheric water
Of all the water on the planet, only 2% of the amount thereof is presented fresh water. And only one-quarter of fresh water available to people.
Until now, all of humanity survived by 0.5% of the earth's available water. But that should change.
We see a fast-growing trend in the collection of water from the atmosphere; on this, our ancestors began to work a few centuries ago. People in the Middle East and Europe have developed the original system of air wells 2000 years ago. The Incas maintained their culture by collecting rainwater and directing it in the tank for later use.
Despite the fact that this technology for many years, its practical realization began to emerge only recently. In development projects went to equip homes own water generators samopolivayuschihsya crops and even a "waterless" cities.
The Earth's atmosphere is much more elegant system of distribution of water than the river, reservoirs and underground waterways. Our modern production system include water pipeline and pumping stations, which are expensive to operate and are easily contaminated.
In the air at any one time is about 150 000 trillion liters of fresh water. Perennial problem was to get it at the right time for people.
However, a new generation of inventors plans to resolve this known issue. With the use of solar, wind and other forms of passive energy, our future water network will be more effective and comfortable than anything available today.
Modern pipelines will be replaced by conduits, and we forget the time when we had every day to taste the taste of chlorinated water.
4 Microschool
When in March, Facebook announced the purchase of Oculus Rift for $ 2 billion, the company not only gave a tremendous impetus of technology and its approval for its development, but also gave birth to a huge demand for designers, developers and engineers of virtual reality.
And although they hardly find a use in 2014, in 2015 they will be exactly.
The same thing happened when Google and Facebook announced the acquisition of companies producing drones solar-powered, Titan and Ascenta respectively. Soon we began to see a giant splash needs engineers solar drones lobbyists air rights, a global network of planners, analysts, engineers and logisticians.
Bold steps companies instantly give rise to the need for talented people to help develop new technologies .
When Tesla Motors announced the creation of a fully automated battery factory; when Intel bought the company wearable technology Basic Science; when Apple bought Beats Electronics; When Google bought Dropcam, Nest and Skybox - the business world began to prepare the students of various colleges and universities for their own purposes.
In such conditions it is impossible to identify what will be the world in 5-6 years required for fundamental education. New employees cook faster, in a very short time - 3-4 months.
As millions of people suddenly change their career path every year, soon we will definitely see exactly form of short courses. They are born, just not at the professional level at which it should be giants TEHNOMIR. Microschool, mikrokolledzhi mikrouniversitety and will produce much more than the traditional universities for the same period of time. Not to mention the actual profession.
5 Space Power
Earthly appetites on the part of electricity continues to grow. Since the 1960s, consumption worldwide increased by 4 times, as well as the number of countries that have decided to build their own power plants to meet demand.
But here in Japan, whose economy is growing without major oil and coal reserves, after the disaster at the reactor in Fukushima, decided to focus on a long-term strategy: the construction of space grid. On this 25-year plan was recently announced by representatives of the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA). It plans to build the world's first 1-gigawatt power plant in space.
The possibility of collecting solar energy in space and sending it back to Earth was first proposed by Dr. Peter Glaser in 1968. After considerable research in the 1970s, scientists discovered that his concept is not viable, but that's only because the technology was not developed enough. Materials were too heavy, and it would take about 100 astronauts working with thousands of raw robots to create such a database.
Since then, technology has become a powerful development, so plan Glazer was not only feasible, but also the best for Japan. What is not understood by most people, it's the fact that solar panels in space 10 times more effective than on the ground, because there is no day and night cycles, seasonal variations or problems with the weather to contend with all year round.
Nevertheless, it is safe to say that most countries will not feel safe until Japan is the only country with a space power plants. As soon as the successful launch of the first station, followed her into space will go 10 or 100 of the same, and cheaper and faster.
6 Delivery Network drones
According to the International Association of unmanned vehicles as soon as unmanned drones to be approved for commercial use in the first three years based on them will create a multibillion-dollar industry with hundreds of thousands of jobs. Besides the production of drones themselves, will need operators, specialists in agricultural drones, security, data analytics and many others.
7 The mass energy storage
Now we are at the beginning of the path that leads to a huge global industry - energy storage. It will simultaneously support and compete with traditional generation, transmission and distribution of energy.Over the next decade, as the industry develops, there will be a new business model, the company and the jobs that will be engaged in the development of storage and distribution of resources. All this will lead to an economically stable grid, competent distribution and electricity savings, as well as to reduce adverse effects on the environment.
8 Global Language archive
For most of us the language in which we speak, is like the air we breathe. But what happens when we wake up and realize that the air is almost dried up? Researchers estimate that in the last 500 years, half of the world's languages, from Etruscan to Tasmanian, simply disappeared. By the next century, almost half of the 7,000 languages in which said Land will disappear, since young people are making a choice in favor of multinational and popular English, Chinese and Spanish. Global language archive will become a museum of languages in which you can explore any of the dead languages.
9 Genealogy of all the Earth
To date, the industry genealogy consists of millions of disparate efforts undertaken at the same time.Mass character takes duplication. Despite considerable database that already exist, such as, RootsWeb, GenealogyBank and National Archives, there are plenty of opportunities for development, including the creation of a complete genealogy of all humanity. What is missing is an entrepreneur a la Jimmy Wales to implement this project to life.
10 Infrastructure trillion sensors
Over the past six years we have gone from 10 million sensors - in things like Nintendo Wii and iPhone - to 3.5 billion. That's why Janusz Bryzhek representative Fairchild, organized Trillion Sensor Summit, held last year in Palo Alto. Bryzhek expects to see a $ 1 trillion sensors in the world by 2024 and 100 trillion sensors by mid 2036. Of course, a by-product of this development will be the millions of major and minor jobs in this growing segment.
Infrastructure of the future will radically change our relationship to the world around us.
Results of
We know perfectly well what they do futurologists. They collect data, analyze them and make predictions, most of which are true - because futurists operate on actual data, rather than reading tea leaves. Reflections on the infrastructure of the future presented futurist Thomas Frey on the resource
It should be noted that the projects mentioned above, can only scar reality. Everything can be much deeper. In any case, large-scale projects like the construction of the Great Pyramids in Egypt or the Great Wall of China, or sending someone to space and the moon - these projects define the slice of society and humanity as a whole and raise the bar for future generations.
Since our ability to grow, we just need to tend your eyes up and to strive for the stars - literally. By 2050, we will see not only the expansion of infrastructures of the new generation - we will see fundamental changes in society that are breathtaking even at the planning stage.
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